3Es inquiry wonderland!

3Es Inquiry Wonderland was a project we did about science. We each chose a topic we new a little bit about and we studied it.  At the end we presented it to parents and some classes. I studied the Big Bang. The Big Bang created the universe. Before, the universe was in a bubble smaller then a pin head but there was so much matter and energy inside, it exploded. My favorite fact was “Scientists estimate that there are as many stars in the sky as grains of sand on the beaches on earth.”  These are 5 facts I learned.

1.The Big Bang can also be called the plank era

2. Scientists always try to recreate the Big Bang on scales in really big labs to learn more about the world.

3. George Lemaitar proved the Big Bang was real.

My favorite part of the experience was building my board. I tried to make it look noticeable and colorful. Soon how about you try to study something. Just try and  maybe you’ll like it.


See ya!

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