My listening walk around the house

On my listening walk I heard two or three different types of birds chirping ‘twit twit twit’. I heard the crunching of the snow beneth my feet ‘ crunch crunch crunch’. I also heard the sounds of wonderful, wet, cold water dropping off my wet roof, ‘ drip, drip, drip. The sounds of the workers music ‘da da da.’ I am grateful for the birds sounds because that is how they communicate with each other. I am grateful for the snow because we can still have all the winter fun but maybe in warmer weather. I am grateful for the rain drops because without them the water cicle wouldn’t happen.I am grateful for the music because that’s how the workers do there best.

That is why I am grateful for all the sound’s.

And that was my blog post, please comment on what you thought.

One thought on “My listening walk around the house”

  1. Good Morning Sophie,
    I like how you actually stopped and thought about how each sound has a reason and purpose in your life. I appreciate how look for the good in each thing. My favorite line in your post is when you said you were grateful for the workmen’s music because you know that is how they do a good job.
    Your thoughts and ideas make me happy like a warm sunny day! Thank you for sharing.
    ☀️Mrs. Eaves

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