What Makes A Mystery A Mystery

One thing that makes a mystery a mystery is Red Herrings. They are distractions for the detective. Another thing that makes a mystery a mystery is a case. The detective needs a case to solve, like, all the capital letters are missing! That is a case for the detective to solve. To make a mystery you need suspects, those are people who could’ve commited the crime or case but to find that out you need clues, they are bits of the mystery that help the detective solve the case. Clues can be place, time, people who were near the crime. Or there could be fingerprints, things out of place or anyone who looks shady or mysterious.

Those are some things that make a mystery!

One thought on “What Makes A Mystery A Mystery”

  1. Hi Sophie,
    You have written a very complete description of all the parts of a mystery. You used the terms and defined them clearly.

    When we are reading the Brixton Brothers I wonder if we will find any red herrings. We’ll have to be on the look-out for them.
    Thanks for working carefully on each assignment.
    🕵🏼‍♀️Mrs. Eaves

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