My babysitter

My babysitter Anna is awesome. She does anything I want to  do. She is fun  and she has a brother called David. David used to go to junior gym with my little brother James and last year they were in the same class. She brings him so we can play together. We play lots of games like soccer,  guess what i’m drawing. Anna is a great babysitter!


During break I went to London and Liverpool.  We stayed at my mom’s friend’s house. They have four kids. Their names are… Be (Beatrix) 5 years old and a girl, Harper 8 years old and a girl,  Quinn 11 years and a boy, and Lu Lu 13 years old girl. I want to remember singing with Harper and Lu Lu they both have OUTSTANDING voices especially Lu Lu.They both play guitar and taught themselves the piano! I also want to remember walking out where the players do and hearing the roar of the crowd and taking a picture with the manager and king Kenny and former players .And touching the grass the players play on. Wow. This is something that made  me feel proud.  I got lost in a toy store and I got lost so I stood by the stairs knowing everybody would go there and soon enough  my mom’s friend found me.


My new year resolution is…


I want to do 3 good deeds every day. I hope you have a new years resolution and if you don’t try to come up with on just think of something you want to improve on. Bye!

My weekend

On Friday after school we went to my little brother James’s soccer game. I only got to watch a half because I had to go to foot sale. This time it was just our team sometimes it’s the other team in our age group. We played  a soccer game, but the thing about foot sale is you only play it with your seacoast team, it is a heavy ball so it can not lift off the ground, you play it on a basketball court. We played and someone stepped on my toe. It really hurt. I also tripped over the net and that day I found out the best bus driver in the world was leaving! And when I took my sock off I found out my toe was bleeding. That night we had breakfast for dinner. And we went to bed knowing we had a big day tomarrow.


Today I had basketball and to preform in a play! I was princess sassy pants. So we played basketball I got two baskets.I forget what the score was than we zipped out of the gym and got a smoothie and headed to Musical arts. I got dressed in the car  The play was a sucsess and I got lots of laughs. See ya later!

My play

So we got the rest of our script and we found out THAT OUR SHOW IS SATURDAY! Let me tell you about our parts. So how we got our parts is we played a game that helped us. We made up a randum people and we acted like that person, and that’s who our character was. I am princess sassy pants. I am VERY sassy It’s fun to act because you get act compleatly what your not. It’s awsome you can be whatever you want when  you act. You  can be funny, silly , sad, shy , happy , compleatly opisisit of what you are. I got a lot of laughf’s in the play.  It  was very fun. I hope you try to act now.


Who I admire and a poem

I admire a boy called Justin. He is nice to me and he passes to me in football. I also admire a girl called Vera. She has a beautiful voice and she’s nice, a great soccer player and a great friend. Also Max and Javey. They are great friends. They also are some of my best friends. Just today they waited for me to play tag with them and I love to play with them. They are really great friends. Also a girl called Piper. She calls  me the nicest girl in the world, she helps me, she hugs me. She is a really good friend.



A poem about a mermaid

teal and shiny

bright and tiny

listens to a shell the ocean whispers short and

relaxing sounds

long hair in the front short in the back

glass and happy

made of tea


Winter wonderland

My favorite part of December is seeing my elf on the shelf. Her name is Emily. She wears earrings silver ones. She writes to me. Last night I made a picture and a letter and threw it in the fireplace.  I’m lucky my mom never puts on a fire in there! In the morning, she was there but the letter moved. She was leaning on it with her leg presed against the glass. Last night I prayed for her to come. Another thing I like about Christmas is when I open my presents in my pajamas. I also love going to my Aunt and Uncle’s house to celebrate with my family. Christmas Eve is awesome too. Some years we have a party.

Rudolph come here!

So Rudolph how did it feel when the reindeer called you names?


I can’t understand you. Santa come here please!

He said he felt alone, and scared, and sad.


He said he loved to play games but they wouldn’t let him. And then they found out I was really good and then they wouldn’t stop fighting over him.


what did he say now?

Nothing he was just going mmmm! He feels offended, lets go .

Go anyway see if I care! But please put me on the nice list. My mommy will be mad!  (Rudolph sticks his tongue out at Us.) NEXT!!!

Hi dasher

So where do you get your name? Are you the  fastest Reindeer?

No, I’m the slowest and the laziest.

But your name is Dasher.


I know. rude! I will take this one.

(takes megaphone) NEXT!!


I am a snowman now. I only get to be one for a day before the magic wears off. What’s your favorite part of being a snowman?


We don’t do much here besides make fun of people. That’s really the only fun we get to do. We only have one exciting thing here…

really, what? When you leave.

Well that’s not very nice. boo ho waaa!! 2 minutes later ‘glitter glitter everywhere!’ ( he is throwing glitter around.) ‘uhh. Are you kidding me next thing he is going to pull out a unicorn and a rainbow.’ (He pulls out a rainbow and a unicorn) ‘Ahaaa!’ GOOD BYE NICE SNOWMAN GOOD BYE T.V MMMWA I LOVE YOU!!! Ooo kay. Um next oh right that meanie toke my megaphone. MOMMY!


My winter poem




family time

snow days

snow ball fights


hot coco

jackets and ear muffs and snow suits

by: Sophie

Talent show

Hay! Tonite is the talent show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am singing shallow from a star is born with my friend Landon at Landon’s learning  he is one of my BEST friends. Don’t leave now freeze unfreeze I am dressing up as LADY GAGA!!!!!!!!!!! he s dressing up as Bradly Cooper . It is at Winnacunet high school if you want to stop by. My favrote part is the whoo. I’m gona hit those notes where it hurts.  By hope you in joyed!



Secret friend

Today we are going to start something called secret friend.  You draw a stick with one of your classmates’ names on it out of a cup. And you make a craft or a picture also a book or any piece of writing  that describes your friend in a positive way. This is REALLY secret not like the spspspspspspsp in someone’s ear. Then at the end you hand it to them. You also wrap it. MAKE SURE NOT TO PUT YOUR NAME ON IT! Hope you enjoyed


My Friday and Saturday

On Friday…

I had foot sail. Foot sail involves lots of runing. It’s like soccer. You play it with your team but you play it on a basketball court and the ball is heavy so it won’t lift FROM THE GROUND.   sorry lost control there so that’s foot sail for you. BUT THE BALL KEEPS MOVING AND MOVING AHHHHHHHH! What I’m trying to say is that it is VERY tiring. I got two goals! BOOYA! Then I went two my little brother’s soccer game. My Dad’s the coach this year so I got to sit on the bench. I also got a hot dog. One of the kids on the team is really nice.  He likes to talk. He’s well behaved. His name is Lucus. My little brother is AMAZING too. We went home and went to bed.

On Saturday…

We had two siblings over that were our friends. Grahme  is friends with James. They are both in first grade. Sophia and I play soccer on two teams together Sting and Seacoast  and we play lacross together for Riptide. We played and played then Alec our neighbor came over. Then we played and played with him too. Then it was time for James’s flag football game. We took Alec and Sophia. We got milkshakes. I gave Sophia 5 dollers to spend to play games we had fun because I disided to play the moter sicle game Sophia did the same. We went over to Alec and belles house I sang shallow for them Then we went home because we had a baby sitter! James has a friend called David he’s sweet to and Davids sister yoused to go to our school she yoused to give me a hugs. We watched dumb and dumber. We played on her phone and ate a peace of candy and a snack. Then we went downstairs and played girls vs boys soccer game. We switched goalies we did it so it was brother and sister vs brother and sister we didn’t do it on purpos. then we played a flag football game. then they had to leave. That’s my Saturday.

Hope you enjoyed.